Witches & Warlocks Scarecrow Contest

Submissions are OPEN for 2024. Please fill out the Submission Form Here.

Free to Enter. All Chamber Members & Main St businesses are welcome to participate.

Scarecrows will be displayed at the top of town light poles. Locations can be claimed on a first come basis, see map below. Scarecrows can be no taller than 7’ in height. Please stay on theme!

Voting for Best Scarecrow will take place in person on Halloween on during the ‘Shipwrecked Halloween’ event on Main St from 5-8pm. Ballots will be available at participating storefronts and along Main St.
Submissions due by Tuesday, Oct 29th at North East Town Hall 8:30am-noon.
Scarecrows must be reclaimed (if you want to keep it) by no later then Friday, November 8th.

Questions? This event is organized by the North East Chamber.
Email Info@NorthEastChamber.org or Call Town Hall at 410-287-5801