July 8, 2023 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Charlie Zahm is one of the most popular soloists at Celtic music festivals, Maritime, and American Traditional music events anywhere east of the Mississippi. Charlie brings a big song bag to this beautiful church amphitheater and is joined by Tad Marks a renowned American folk and bluegrass fiddle player. The concert is free with a suggest donation of $10. Hot dogs and other goodies will be on sale. Rain or shine (In the event of rain, the concert will be held inside the church).
Event Location: 3203 Turkey Point Road, North East, MD
Event Date: July 8, 2023
Event Time: 6:00 pm
Event Organizer: Hart’s UMC Church
Contact Email: hartschurch@outlook.com
Contact Name: Alice L Sturgill
Contact Email: alice92358@yahoo.com