Children in Cecil County Need Our Help!
More children than ever are in need. The North East Rotary, in partnership with the North East Chamber of Commerce and North East Police Department and in cooperation with Operation Warm are on a mission to give brand-new coats to kids in need in local elementary schools. Together, we can make an impact on our community!
Please share this post or this flier (with the QR code) to share, print, or distribute in any way you can. We are asking the public to help us reach our goal of $6,600 which will provide 300 new coats for needy kids this year before Christmas. Please send to your contacts, friends and family.
If you use Facebook, the club’s page also has a link for donation:
Since Shop with a Cop is not occurring and the economy has many parents struggling, kids will go without this Christmas. Please help us warm a local child with a new coat. Donations are secure and tax-deductible.
Thanks in advance for your generosity!
More about Operation Warm:
Over the past 23 years they’ve served over 4.5 million children across North America. In our communities, nearly one in five children live in need. For their families, paying for food, housing, heat and healthcare takes priority, meaning many children have to go without proper weather essentials needed to stay healthy and active.
Operation Warm’s motto #morethanacoat means more than just physical warmth. When you donate to provide a brand-new coat or pair of shoes, it also means emotional warmth, the confidence to socialize and succeed, and hope of a brighter future.
Operation Warm is a GuideStar Platinum-rated 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Over 95¢ of every $1 goes directly to our programs.