The 3rd annual “Winter Lights~ Cecil Nights” is from January 6 – February 28, 2023. The town of North East, MD is proudly participating again in this campaign to support our Main Street shops and restaurants during the tough winter months of January and February. We’re lighting up the town, lift community spirits, and create compelling reasons for folks to come to town in winter.
Events Coming Up:
- Jan 6 – Feb 28 – Main Street Scavenger Hunt
- Feb 1-28 – Sweethearts on Main
- Feb 10 – 2nd Friday Celebration
- Feb 11 – Winter ‘Hay’ Wagon Rides (fully booked)
- Feb 12 – Valentine’s Carriage Rides (fully booked)
- Feb 17 – Winter ‘Hay’ Wagon Rides (fully booked)
- Feb 18 – Firepit Family Night at Turkey Point Vineyard (fully booked)
- Feb 19 – Fairwinds Farm & Stables – Open House
Other area events happening:
- Feb 3-12 – Murder on the Nile at Milburn Stone Theatre
Message to Main Street Businesses….
We want to spread the word about our 3rd annual “Winter Lights~ Cecil Nights” campaign to support Main Street shops and restaurants during the tough months of January and February. We hope that together we can light up the town, lift community spirits, and create compelling reasons for folks to come to town in winter. The promotion starts January 6th and the last day is February 28.
After red and green decorations are put away, we hope you can help turn North East into a magical destination for January and February with a LOT of white lights on your business (the more the merrier! Blue and purple lights are ok too). Its challenging and expensive to add lights across Main Street, but we’re hoping businesses will be creative in connecting lights with neighboring businesses. Winter theme decorations would have to be ready by January 6th. We also want to promote chilly-weather-comfort-foods at restaurants and food specialty shops, wintery window displays to encourage walks along Main Street, and both the Chamber and Cecil County Tourism are working on activities in town and at the park.
Tourism will take on the expense of advertising “Winter Lights” but we hope you’ll help spread the word to your social media followers as well.
Please email Sandy Turner at sturner@ccgov.org, and Doris Behnke at dbehnke@umd.edu if you can participate in one or more of the following ways:
- Add winter lights (white, blue, purple) to your business from January 6 – February 28;
- Put “Winter Lights” rack cards on your counter during the holiday shopping season;
- Create a winter window display during Jan. & Feb.
- Restaurants and specialty food businesses – send us a list of wintery items that you sell
- Shops – would you be willing to stay open later Fri. & Sat. to turn visitors into shoppers?
- Can you help promote Winter Lights~ Cecil Nights to your social media lists?
If you have other ideas to make North East look like a postcard, let us know and contact us if you have questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Cecil County Tourism, 300 Cherry Street, North East MD 21901 sturner@ccgov.org